API Reference

goopylib is powerful game, graphics, and GUI library for Python and C++ to build cross-platform applications. It allows you to unlock the potential of OpenGL and low-level graphics with a high-level, simple-yet-powerful API.

The library includes a few key components such as the window, colors, and renderable objects as well as helper classes such as camera controllers, easing functions, and more!

To begin, import the library, set-up a controller, and begin drawing objects:

import goopylib as gp

window = gp.Window(600, 400, "Here's a window!")
controller = gp.CameraController(window)

circle = gp.Circle((0, 0), 30).draw(window)

while window.is_open():
    controller.update()   # use WASD to move around, QE to rotate, +- to zoom

gp.terminate()  # make sure to terminate the library once you're done

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